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Bridging Cultures, Empowering The Future: The AboitizPower-JERA Talent Exchange Program

Jeremiah Cayondong, Jun Carlo Luchavez and Marlon Silang (2nd to 4th from left) are the first Filipino batch of the AboitizPower-JERA talent exchange program, receiving training and experience at Japan’s Hekinan Thermal Power Station.

Strategic partners AboitizPower and Japan’s JERA are working to further the energy transition within their own countries through innovation, collaboration and growth.

The companies have launched a talent exchange program aimed at bridging operational and technical gaps while fostering cross-cultural collaboration and continuous learning. This initiative goes beyond skills development as it is also about shaping future leaders and strengthening the partnership between the two companies.

A Shared Vision

After AboitizPower signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with JERA in 2023, its talent exchange program became one of the strategic initiatives that helps build talent capability for existing AboitizPower thermal plants and future technology builds.

The program is in line with AboitizPower’s growth strategy and the Philippines’ broader energy transition goals, with JERA, Japan’s largest power generation company, bringing a wealth of experience and technical expertise.

Then Deputy Plant Manager Marlon Silang of GNPower Mariveles Energy Center, along with then Planning and Outage Manager Jun Carlo Luchavez of Therma South, Inc. and then Distributed Control System and Control & Instrumentation Specialist Jeremiah Cayondong of Therma Visayas, Inc. were part of the first batch of engineers chosen for the exchange program. They were assigned to JERA's Hekinan Thermal Power Station, Japan's largest coal-fired power plant, producing a baseload of 4,100 megawatts.

Filipino engineers Jeremiah Cayondong, Marlon Silang, and Jun Carlo Luchavez learned Nihonggo prior to being sent to Japan for the AboitizPower-JERA talent exchange program.

Likewise, three Japanese engineers from JERA were assigned to AboitizPower and were given opportunities to exchange techniques and knowledge in plant operations, as well enhance their English communications skills through continuous engagement.

AboitizPower team members may be nominated for the program by their managers or identified by senior plant management, depending on the program's structure. The nomination process begins with submitting a detailed key talent review form, highlighting their qualifications, interests, and how they would benefit from the experience. The process encourages open discussions between talents and their team leaders about career aspirations, ensuring they are well-prepared even before the nomination process begins.

“I saw the assignment in JERA as an opportunity for growth. I [knew] this exchange program would open new opportunities. It was an opportunity to give me more knowledge that I can use in my career”, Marlon shared.

Upskilling for a Sustainable Future

AboitizPower believes in a balanced approach to the energy transition; one that supports the shift to a greener future while meeting the Philippines' growing energy demands. To navigate the energy transition successfully, the company recognizes the importance of investing in its workforce. It empowers team members to acquire the skills needed for emerging energy systems, driving innovation and ensuring competitiveness in a dynamic energy market.

A highly skilled workforce is fundamental to achieving a sustainable energy future. By providing opportunities to learn from global industry leaders, AboitizPower team members become better equipped with the latest knowledge and best practices, strengthening the company’s foundation for the future.

“It [widens] your perspective [to] outside of the Philippines. You learn how to cope with uncomfortable situations. You learn to accept and embrace new cultures, and by doing so, you’ll see and learn why they do things this way. You learn to adapt to change,” Jeremiah said.

After their time in JERA, the three were promoted in AboitizPower’s different generation companies. Jeremiah is now a Project Engineer Manager in Therma Luzon; Jun became a Senior Maintenance Manager in Therma Visayas; while Marlon is set to become the Generation Manager of GNPower Mariveles Energy Center Ltd. Co. next year.

Together with their families, a send off party was held for Marlon, Jun and Jeremiah as they concluded their one-year exposure at JERA.

The Importance of Exchange Programs

Exchange programs like the AboitizPower-JERA initiative are crucial for broadening the perspectives of participants, letting them embrace new cultures, adapt to change, and build networks that enhance organizational capabilities.

"The key difference of the exchange program is the immersive cultural experience. It’s an opportunity to learn firsthand how things are done in a different country, which you can’t get from traditional training programs,” Jun said.

"Being exposed to JERA’s advanced technology and extensive experience opens up fresh perspectives that would normally take years to acquire. This program accelerated our learning and helped us see the future of energy firsthand," Marlon added.

Currently, four new team members have been sent for the second batch of the AboitizPower-JERA talent exchange program, where they are assigned to the Hekinan Thermal Power Station and the Futtsu Thermal Power Station.

Batch 2 participants of the AP-JERA talent exchange program — (fron left) Nessandro Duyan, Leslie Abbyjill Ticon, Jackylou Cabalejo and Oliver Castro—arrive at the JERA corporate office.

The AboitizPower-JERA Exchange Program stands as a powerful example of how strategic partnerships and continuous learning can propel the energy workforce forward. As these two companies continue to work together, their shared vision promises to shape a more sustainable future for the industry.

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