Dream Big: Montxu Points To The Mother Of Motivations

They end up selling their ideas and products to others who build huge businesses or incorporate them in their existing companies. It seems that what motivates them is innovation and finding better ways—not building huge businesses.
The big difference between Silicon Valley and Israel is that the latter starts developing technologies and finds where it can use it to solve problems and innovate.
How many ideas were developed for a certain use and ended up being applied on something totally different? The Internet is an example.
Israel starts with a problem and is determined to find a solution. They get obsessed with solving their problems. There is no shame in failing and are comfortable with the uncomfortable. They are tenacious and don't give up until they solve their problems.

Another interesting insight is that while the Israelis and their ecosystem have been super successful in finding innovative solutions (to the extent that many multinationals have innovation labs in Israel), they rarely end up being huge businesses. They end up selling their ideas and products to others who build huge businesses or incorporate them in their existing companies. I bring this out because it seems that what motivates them is innovation and finding better ways—not building huge businesses.
Much to learn from the startup nation and their people.

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