Mactan Ecozone Locators Get Rent Reprieve From AboitizLand
In a move to help in national economic recovery amid the continuing pandemic, AboitizLand is giving Mactan Economic Zone II (MEZ II) locators a 50% discount on rent for a five-month period.
The company, along with Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA), sees this as timely relief for industrial locators who have not been spared from dropping revenue and productivity even as they to continue operations under community quarantine guidelines. Many of these manufacturing businesses are struggling with demand changes, labor support challenges, and supply chain ecosystem constraints.
We share our locator partners’ concerns and we remain committed to helping them survive and recover swiftly from this ongoing health and economic crisis. We believe that this assistance, along with the support we have extended over the past 25 years, will be reciprocated by our locators through their continued commitment to the Philippines and to the people of Cebu.
–Eduardo Aboitiz, VP-Head of Industrial & Commercial Business Units, AboitizLand
MEZ II employs 14,000 skilled workers in 49 multinational companies belonging in light to medium industries that include precision instruments, medical equipment, communication and electronics, automotive supplies, apparel, and furniture.
“It’s important that we work together in this changing business dynamic to help keep the economy moving and continue to provide employment to those depending on the industrial zone for livelihood,” Aboitiz said.
Established in 1995 in partnership with MCIAA, the 63-hectare PEZA-registered MEZ II in Lapulapu City highlights Cebu in the global export market. The industrial zone is part of a sprawling mixed-use estate, which also houses a commercial corporate building that complements the retail and recreational lifestyle elements of the Pueblo Verde shopping complex, which has over 70 retail stores, services and restaurants, as well as a transit hub.
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