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Notes By EMA: Saint Stalin, Saint Adolf, and Saint COVID

Enrique Aboitiz Mendieta

06 21 2020

EG and LG, Einstein’s God and Lulu’s God

To Einstein’s God, NO LIFE MATTERS.

I am sure that many will disagree and even get irritated by the title of this message. If you get irritated before reading it then please pass over before you peruse. There are already many fora that want to muffle discussion and argument.

Here in this paper, we do not believe in diversity. We think it is terribly unequal and unnatural. We do believe in “meritocracy” where you are respected and rewarded for what you have done and will do and not for the number of words you have used during the day without putting a cent behind your mouth.

If you believe in “Get It and Get It Done”, please stay and find flaws in this paper so we can improve it. We need “Developers” for our papers. If you do not share this belief, then please feel free to get the f--- out of here, knowing you are welcome to return always. Prodigal minds are as welcome as prodigal sons.

Einstein’s God (EG), Nature, could not give a hay penny about you, nor mankind, nor your whatevers. You are part of EG’s road to perfection as EG evolves and evolves, as he has for God only knows how long.

He creates as he destroys and destroys as he creates. He gives life as he takes it and takes life as he gives it. Do count on this, mofo. He just does not give a s--- about you. Now, he is there so you might best be warned that he is clear so you can trust him—he has Chance reward you if you are prepared and he has Murphy visit you if you are not. He does not believe in miracles. He believes in consequences for not understanding that the fittest survives—period—for, if not, EG cannot evolve to perfection as is his mandate to himself.

In the roulette of sperms, eggs, and orgasm, he spun Saint Adolf, Saint Stalin, and Saint COVID. LG may not even have known for what specific purpose other than the larger motive of better.

Now Lulu’s God (LG), The God of My Mother Maria Lourdes Mendieta, is  the God of Miracles, of Love, of Hope, of Kindness, of Compassion, and of Progress as well. He works to  help you navigate around EG. Now, he knows us. He is the God who created Man—not the world, but Man. He created Man in his image but that is work in progress because LG is work in progress as well. He is not yet finished.

Some of us see the future as a better image and some of us see it worse. To make it more fun, LG let us play our part in that evolution towards perfection. He allows us to decide but he is still learning to teach us how to think. Here, he is way behind so he has to take more drastic measures. He knows we do not learn, we do not understand morse and that we need to be shaken every so often so we do not fall asleep on the wheel.

Let me give you three examples.

1. Lulu’s God sees a Europe killing and fighting for a very long time. He finally gets fed up and sends Saint Adolf. He sacrifices his Chosen People and tens of millions more. He destroys Europe. Now, out of the ashes come three for the better.

Firstly, he gives his Chosen People the Promised Land—the thriving Israel of today.

Secondly, Europe unites and is structured for peace.

Thirdly, he gives us Bretton Woods, which puts people out of poverty at a rate not seen ever.

All are bumpy along the way but we are headed to the mountaintop. He sent us a signal in 2008 but we did head and kept buggering on.

2. Lulu’s God sees man bickering over how to create and divide wealth. So he sent Saint Stalin to finally launch a real challenge against the system of market forces with a system of control. He proves to the world that not even he and the Great Mother Russia can go against the natural trait that EG has brought to the entire system—self interest, greed, and taking care of number one first to survive. That is sorted.

3. He has sent many more Saints but let us focus on the guest of the day, Saint COVID. Lulu’s God was seeing that we need to wake up to the fact that we are putting the future of Lulu’s Vidalito at risk. He is right there with the Father and she is concerned. The air is dirty and breathing is where life begins and ends. Now, Lulu’s God knows that his creation needs drama to learn. Nothing works better than killing a few people, as has to happen anyway and to make room for the coming, as LG has done before and seen effective.

So Saint COVID has visited to remind us of some natural laws.

1. You cannot spend what you do not have and cover the deficit with borrow, borrow, and borrow. This will end. You do it or I will send another Saint to deal with this when you are not looking.

2. You cannot delay electric cars. You have to grow using less. The  existence of my children is at stake. Fix it.

3. I have sent you Saint Binary so use the technology of Digital to use faster. You will create more wealth. You will have more leisure time to spend with your children to love them more as LG sees that we do not love our children more. Without that skill, how can we love others more?

Now that is what Lulu’s God sees as the perfection that he is after.

Love reigning! LG’s dream is for His children to love and help each other so that everyone is happier and happier.

That is what EG gave us, the capacity to love that is, that he gave to no other creature. Neither EG nor LG want us squandering this precious uniqueness that drives his uniqueness—that of life being full of miracles.

P.s. BLM is not a Saint. He  is a new messenger—LG sees us listening less and drowning out reason more. He already sent you Saint Stalin to teach you what you are not listening to his morse code. He may send Saint??? To teach us to listen to others.

What do you think?

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